domingo, 27 de julio de 2008
First public pre-alpha release of GQB (Graphical Query Builder) for pgAdmin
I have been working on improve my Google Summer of Code Project: for a while, and today I'm going to release what I believe it's the first public pre-alpha release that I sent to pgadmin-hackers list, as you notice this release is for testing only an i'ts provided with no warranty :)
Now with the project you can:
0. Create a graphical model of a query sentence. (to add a table just double click on it on the left tree, tables are added at same place please move to other position by drag & drop from the title)
1. Create some simple queries involving joins (only equality joins right now), only drag and drop column from one table to another
2. Order the columns in the projection part of sentence (Select x,y,z...), and add columns alias in a grid
3. Add some restrictions (not validate content yet, a parser should be done in next days)
4. Create synonymous for tables just double click on table title an write synonymous on dialog.
I'm hoping for feedback, any ideas, suggestions or bug reporst are important to improve next releases.
Where is located GQB inside pgAdmin?
At SQL Editor in a top tab you can choose between normal editor & gqb.
Can I try it without applying a patch and compiling it?
Yes, download binary (sorry binary for windows this time) at rapidshare:
Where is located the patch?
jueves, 10 de julio de 2008
First pre-pre-pre... alpha release of the GQB
I couldn't write in a while (violating my promise of write more :( ) but I have an announcement, today I finish what I think will be a good first pre-alpha release of the Graphical Query Builder for pgAdmin III, have a lot of bugs but it's usable.
I publish some screenshots too here:
I need people that test it & report me bugs (I detect a last minute bug on linux that crash pgAdmin after close GQB SQL Windows, I'm searching for causes because last releases don't have this behavior and in windows the error is not detected BUT YOU CAN TRY IT I WILL FIX THIS IN A FEW HOURS & PUBLISH A NEW PATCH
Should comment this lines at the destructor gqbView::~gqbView():
delete projectionPanel;
delete criteriaPanel;*/
of the file:gqbView.cpp
), you can download the patch here & report bugs to me, instructions are simple configure and build environment for pgAdmin III head version (follow instructions on page) and later apply my patch.
Note: on Linux, just watch out a .rej file at pgadmin/include/frm/frmQuery.h.rej open it look at the lines with a + symbol at begin (just headers lines of the .h), and add it to the frmQuery.h using your favorite text editor.
I publish some screenshots too here:
I need people that test it & report me bugs (I detect a last minute bug on linux that crash pgAdmin after close GQB SQL Windows, I'm searching for causes because last releases don't have this behavior and in windows the error is not detected BUT YOU CAN TRY IT I WILL FIX THIS IN A FEW HOURS & PUBLISH A NEW PATCH
Should comment this lines at the destructor gqbView::~gqbView():
delete projectionPanel;
delete criteriaPanel;*/
of the file:gqbView.cpp
), you can download the patch here & report bugs to me, instructions are simple configure and build environment for pgAdmin III head version (follow instructions on page) and later apply my patch.
Note: on Linux, just watch out a .rej file at pgadmin/include/frm/frmQuery.h.rej open it look at the lines with a + symbol at begin (just headers lines of the .h), and add it to the frmQuery.h using your favorite text editor.
martes, 17 de junio de 2008
A lot of time without writing but still working :)
My last post was about 1 month ago, this is a lot of time, but in this time I have done a lot of progress, and here I just resume most important completed goals:
1. The Graphical Query Builder Graphic part is working right now, with simple joins.
2. User can select what columns to include in select sentence.
3. A SQL sentence can be generated from the graphical model.
And in this process I try to create documentation that will be useful for future contributions to pgAdmin project, like:
Information about pgAdmin internal structure.
Information about my GQB internals
Right now, still there are a lot of works to do... but checking my proposal I'm on time:
I'm at deliverable 4, and the schedule for this it's about Jul 6 - 12,Jul 13 - 19 week 7,8
I hope this continue in this way.... and I'm going to try to create more posts on this blog...
Finally as an example of my work I publish two images of my progress using the dellstore sample database for postgresql
1. The Graphical Query Builder Graphic part is working right now, with simple joins.
2. User can select what columns to include in select sentence.
3. A SQL sentence can be generated from the graphical model.
And in this process I try to create documentation that will be useful for future contributions to pgAdmin project, like:
Information about pgAdmin internal structure.
Information about my GQB internals
Right now, still there are a lot of works to do... but checking my proposal I'm on time:
I'm at deliverable 4, and the schedule for this it's about Jul 6 - 12,Jul 13 - 19 week 7,8
I hope this continue in this way.... and I'm going to try to create more posts on this blog...
Finally as an example of my work I publish two images of my progress using the dellstore sample database for postgresql
lunes, 12 de mayo de 2008
First protoype of user interface for the Graphical Query Builder of pgAdmin
Yesterday, I finish what I believe it's the first prototype for pgAdmin GQB (Graphical Query Builder) interface, I have some ideas from my other project in the same area but I need to test the prototypes looking for best usability performance and effectiveness, because I think that doing things good in a quickly way is better than do it in a good looking way but slower. Just as google searching tool: Not big graphics, not best user interface of the web, but usability and effectiveness it's the best one.
By the way, I was thinking about finishing vsqlbuilder after the GQB for pgadmin, I really believe that this two tools can be used for different segments of users:
- pgAdmin (C++/WxWidgets): Database Administrators [it's my own opinion ;) ]
- Visual SQL Builder (Java): Database End Users, because I want to include on it: the GQB, reporting tools, little CASE of simple transactional applications & more end user related thing. I just need some time to do it and by september I maybe start to coding something on it.
domingo, 11 de mayo de 2008
Design Patterns
I was thinking about the class hierarchy for my project and think about which design patterns could be useful for this goal, and a quick search on google bring to me, this very good resume about design patterns, useful for choosing one when programming:
I found this wonderful book about Design Patterns: Head First Design Patterns
Wow it's the first time on my life that have been fun to read a technical book, this is one it's the best introduction to object-oriented programming that I have read. (It's for java but a lot of concepts can be used in other programming languages). And not only funny to read, the most important thing: you learn a lot with it.
You can read sample chapter at o'reilly.
Summer of Code 2008 Students and Mentors Geoposition (Google Map)
Today, Andrei Bautu announced on the gsoc students list, that create a google map containing all (authorized) gsoc students & mentors geoposition, (I assume joining together individual information from every project page at and put on this url:
It's very interesting.
jueves, 8 de mayo de 2008
Simple graphics with WxWidgets and Direct Context (WxDC)
UPDATE #1: Added a more "elegantly" version of this code inside of a class & allowing Scrolling.
Today I fix & improve the source code of the post wxogl-vs-wxdc-vs-wxart2d that I wrote last week, and now the same application can add until 10 tables (rectangles with text) inside the frame, then you can select only one at time (red line in the border) or move it with drag & drop in the frame.
This demo can help people (newbies) who wants to create a modeling tool of some kind with WxWidgets, is not great thing but have good ideas that can be used for larger applications:
- Diagram it's draw at the OnPaint event of the windows, because this there isn't need of a separate thread or something like that. And CPU usage of application it's low.
- It's easy to adapt the example to use a Model View Controller, only create data structures with base information for objects inside diagram, and a DrawAll function that can read that information and draw it, then Controller syncrhonize all changes between the data and the image.
- Flicker have been eliminated.
- Don't use any complex third party library, this means no highly optimized rendering neither undo feature (by default) or complex document hierarchy, but for me best way of programa something always should follow this rule: "Simpler is better "
Source code:
Today I fix & improve the source code of the post wxogl-vs-wxdc-vs-wxart2d that I wrote last week, and now the same application can add until 10 tables (rectangles with text) inside the frame, then you can select only one at time (red line in the border) or move it with drag & drop in the frame.
This demo can help people (newbies) who wants to create a modeling tool of some kind with WxWidgets, is not great thing but have good ideas that can be used for larger applications:
- Diagram it's draw at the OnPaint event of the windows, because this there isn't need of a separate thread or something like that. And CPU usage of application it's low.
- It's easy to adapt the example to use a Model View Controller, only create data structures with base information for objects inside diagram, and a DrawAll function that can read that information and draw it, then Controller syncrhonize all changes between the data and the image.
- Flicker have been eliminated.
- Don't use any complex third party library, this means no highly optimized rendering neither undo feature (by default) or complex document hierarchy, but for me best way of programa something always should follow this rule: "Simpler is better "
Source code:
- #include "wx/wxprec.h"
- #define MAXRECTANGLES 10
- #ifdef __BORLANDC__
- #pragma hdrstop
- #endif
- #ifndef WX_PRECOMP
- #endif
- #include "wx/wx.h"
- #include "wx/dcbuffer.h"
- enum MenuItems
- {
- ID_Add = 2,
- ID_Quit = 1,
- ID_About = 0,
- };
- class MyApp: public wxApp
- {
- virtual bool OnInit();
- };
- class MyCanvas; //Just a prototype
- class MyFrame: public wxFrame
- {
- public:
- MyFrame(const wxString& title,
- const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size);
- //Menu Events
- void OnQuit(wxCommandEvent& event);
- void OnAbout(wxCommandEvent& event);
- void OnAddRectangle(wxCommandEvent& event);
- //Global Class Variables
- MyCanvas *paintArea;
- };
- class MyCanvas: public wxScrolledWindow
- {
- public:
- MyCanvas::MyCanvas(MyFrame *parent, wxSize size);
- //MyCanvas Functions
- void MyCanvas::DrawAll(wxBufferedDC& bdc);
- int MyCanvas::GetIndexSelected();
- //MyCanvas Events
- void MyCanvas::OnPaint(wxPaintEvent& event);
- void MyCanvas::OnMotion(wxMouseEvent& event);
- void MyCanvas::OnErase(wxEraseEvent& event);
- void MyCanvas::OnEraseBackGround(wxEraseEvent& event);
- //Global Class Variables
- int rts[MAXRECTANGLES][2];
- int rts_Size;
- int pressed,posx,posy,selected;
- wxSize c_size;
- private:
- MyFrame *m_owner;
- };
- //**********************Begin implementations
- bool MyApp::OnInit()
- {
- MyFrame *frame = new MyFrame( wxT("Hello World Drawing in 2D"),
- wxPoint(50,50), wxSize(800,600) );
- frame->Show(TRUE);
- SetTopWindow(frame);
- //frame->SetScrollbar(wxVERTICAL,0,16,50);
- //initialize values
- frame->paintArea->rts_Size=0;
- for(int i=0;i<MAXRECTANGLES;i++){
- frame->paintArea->rts[i][0]=-1;
- frame->paintArea->rts[i][1]=-1;
- }
- frame->paintArea->pressed=-1; //No rectangle selected
- return TRUE;
- }
- //MyFrame Constructor
- MyFrame::MyFrame(const wxString& title,
- const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size)
- : wxFrame((wxFrame *)NULL, -1, title, pos, size)
- {
- wxMenu *menuFile = new wxMenu;
- menuFile->Append( ID_Add, wxT("&Add new Rectangle..." ));
- menuFile->Append( ID_About, wxT("A&bout..." ));
- menuFile->AppendSeparator();
- menuFile->Append( ID_Quit, wxT("E&xit" ));
- wxMenuBar *menuBar = new wxMenuBar;
- menuBar->Append( menuFile, wxT("&File") );
- SetMenuBar( menuBar );
- CreateStatusBar();
- SetStatusText(wxT("Proof of Concept drawing") );
- paintArea = new MyCanvas(this,wxSize(800,600));
- paintArea->SetScrollbars( 10, 10, 100, 240 );
- }
- //MyCanvas Constructor
- MyCanvas::MyCanvas(MyFrame *parent, wxSize size)
- : wxScrolledWindow(parent, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, size,
- {
- m_owner = parent;
- c_size = size;
- }
- //Events Table Macros
- BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(MyFrame, wxFrame)
- EVT_MENU(ID_Quit, MyFrame::OnQuit)
- EVT_MENU(ID_About, MyFrame::OnAbout)
- EVT_MENU(ID_Add, MyFrame::OnAddRectangle)
- BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(MyCanvas, wxScrolledWindow)
- EVT_PAINT(MyCanvas::OnPaint)
- EVT_MOTION(MyCanvas::OnMotion)
- EVT_LEFT_DOWN(MyCanvas::OnMotion)
- EVT_LEFT_UP(MyCanvas::OnMotion)
- EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND(MyCanvas::OnEraseBackGround)
//This erase flicker create by wxStaticText when erasing background but this is not needed - END_EVENT_TABLE()
- //Events **************************
- //Overwrite and disable onEraseBackground Event to avoid Flicker
- void MyCanvas::OnEraseBackGround(wxEraseEvent& event) {};
- void MyCanvas::OnPaint(wxPaintEvent& event)
- {
- //Prepare Context for Buffered Draw
- wxPaintDC dcc(this);
- wxBufferedDC dc(&dcc, c_size );
- DrawAll(dc);
- }
- void MyCanvas::OnMotion(wxMouseEvent& event)
- {
- posx=event.GetPosition().x;
- posy=event.GetPosition().y;
- this->CalcUnscrolledPosition(posx,posy,&posx,&posy);
- if(event.ButtonDown()&&pressed==-1){
- pressed=GetIndexSelected();
- selected=pressed;
- }
- if(event.ButtonUp()){
- pressed=-1;
- }
- if (event.Dragging()&&pressed!=-1)
- {
- rts[pressed][0]=posx-25;
- rts[pressed][1]=posy-25;
- }
- this->Refresh();
- }
- //**************************Functions
- int MyCanvas::GetIndexSelected(){
- int index=-1;
- for(int i=0;i<rts_Size;i++){
- int x=rts[i][0];
- int y=rts[i][1];
- if( ((posx-x>0)&&(x+70>posx)) && ((posy-y>0)&&(y+70>posy)) ){
- return i;
- break;
- }
- }
- return index;
- }
- void MyCanvas::DrawAll(wxBufferedDC& bdc){
- bdc.SetBackground(*wxBLACK_BRUSH);
- bdc.Clear();
- bdc.SetBrush(*wxWHITE_BRUSH);
- for(int i=(rts_Size-1);i>=0;i--){ //i-- to draw in order
- int x=rts[i][0];
- int y=rts[i][1];
- this->CalcScrolledPosition(x,y,&x,&y);
- if(x!=-1 && y!=-1){
- if(selected==i){
- bdc.SetPen(*wxRED_PEN);
- }else{
- bdc.SetPen(*wxBLACK_PEN);
- }
- bdc.DrawRectangle(wxRect(wxPoint(x,y), wxSize(70,70)));
- bdc.SetFont(f2);
- bdc.DrawText(wxT("TName"),x+5,y);
- bdc.SetFont(f);
- bdc.DrawText(wxT("CName 1"),x+10,y+12); //use font metrics here
- bdc.DrawText(wxT("CName 2"),x+10,y+24); //use font metrics here
- bdc.DrawText(wxT("CName 3"),x+10,y+36); //use font metrics here
- bdc.DrawText(wxT("CName ..."),x+10,y+36); //use font metrics here
- }
- else{
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- //**************************Menu Events
- void MyFrame::OnAddRectangle(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
- {
- if(paintArea->rts_Size < MAXRECTANGLES){
- paintArea->rts[paintArea->rts_Size][0]= paintArea->rts_Size*10+10;
- paintArea->rts[paintArea->rts_Size][1]= paintArea->rts_Size*10+10;
- paintArea->rts_Size++;
- }
- }
- void MyFrame::OnQuit(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
- { Close(TRUE);
- }
- void MyFrame::OnAbout(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
- { wxMessageBox(wxT("This is a Hello Direct Contex Application in wxWidgets"),
- wxT("About Hello DC"), wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION, this);
- }
Wiki page about pgAdmin Internals
A few days ago, create a wiki page about pgAdmin internals, it's only a stub right now, but I want this page become a quick introduction guide for all new developers at pgAdmin.
Wiki it's located at:
Wiki it's located at:
lunes, 5 de mayo de 2008
Studying Cross-Platform GUI Programming with wxWidgets
This last two weeks I have been learning all about wxWidgets library, but until a few days ago I discover this wonderful book:
Cross-Platform GUI Programming with wxWidgets
This book is available from several sources like amazon, informit and others but in my country (Venezuela) there is a limit in a year (400$ a year) for internet buying (using foreing currency as $), and I already reached my limit, because this I only have access to sample chapter, but I found a wonderful thing:
If I do click in downloads there is available the full version of the book in pdf for free, this is great, and I'm going to use it in this way for this year, but the next year (the limit is for each year) I'm going to buy it to support the authors of the book.
Don't worry book is free because it's part of Bruce Perens' Open Source Series:
In this series the electronic versions will be made available at no cost several months after each book's publication.
Here it's the full download url:
Update #1: Other useful book found: "Subversion Version Control: Using the Subversion Version Control System in Development Projects"
url: [Downloads Area]
Cross-Platform GUI Programming with wxWidgets
This book is available from several sources like amazon, informit and others but in my country (Venezuela) there is a limit in a year (400$ a year) for internet buying (using foreing currency as $), and I already reached my limit, because this I only have access to sample chapter, but I found a wonderful thing:
If I do click in downloads there is available the full version of the book in pdf for free, this is great, and I'm going to use it in this way for this year, but the next year (the limit is for each year) I'm going to buy it to support the authors of the book.
Don't worry book is free because it's part of Bruce Perens' Open Source Series:
In this series the electronic versions will be made available at no cost several months after each book's publication.
Here it's the full download url:
Update #1: Other useful book found: "Subversion Version Control: Using the Subversion Version Control System in Development Projects"
url: [Downloads Area]
domingo, 4 de mayo de 2008
WxOGL vs WxDC vs WxArt2D
This Week I was working in the graphical part of the Query Builder and search for all possible options to implement it using wxWidgets, as part of my research I found only three probably options (there are more options but only take in count this by now) where I run and write some test application for evaluation purposes:
1. WxArt2D: is a graphical library for 2D, the drawing document can be made hierarchical by adding child primitives to a parent primitive, everything that is drawn from within a document, is done by calling drawing methods via a a2dCanvasView through it's device context a2dDrawer2D. A document can have several views open at the same time. And each view can display whatever part of the document. Source:
My Choice until now it's: WxDC because their simplicity and the full control that give to programmer of doing almost all things needed for a graphical query builder only using graphics primitives (in a pattern like MVC).
I create a very little (and not optimized or good programmed, just functional) hello graphic world proof of concept for a diagram of tables, you can drag and drop tables (just simple squares with text) around application only:
#include "wx/wxprec.h"
#ifdef __BORLANDC__
#pragma hdrstop
#ifndef WX_PRECOMP
#include "wx/wx.h"
class MyApp: public wxApp
virtual bool OnInit();
class MyFrame: public wxFrame
MyFrame(const wxString& title,
const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size);
void OnQuit(wxCommandEvent& event);
void OnAbout(wxCommandEvent& event);
void MyFrame::OnPaint(wxPaintEvent& event);
void MyFrame::OnMotion(wxMouseEvent& event);
wxRect rectToDraw;
wxRect rectToDraw2;
int xx, xx2;
int yy, yy2;
int pressed;
bool MyApp::OnInit()
MyFrame *frame = new MyFrame( wxT("Hello World"),
wxPoint(50,50), wxSize(800,600) );
return TRUE;
ID_Quit = 1,
ID_About = 0,
EVT_MENU(ID_Quit, MyFrame::OnQuit)
EVT_MENU(ID_About, MyFrame::OnAbout)
void MyFrame::OnPaint(wxPaintEvent& event)
wxPaintDC dc(this);
wxRect tmp(wxPoint(xx, yy), wxSize(70,70));
rectToDraw = tmp;
wxRect tmp2(wxPoint(xx2, yy2), wxSize(70,70));
rectToDraw2 = tmp2;
//Do not draw if not exposed
if (IsExposed(rectToDraw)){
//draw object 1
dc.DrawText(wxT("Table 1"),xx,yy);
dc.DrawText(wxT("Col1"),xx,yy+12); //use font metrics here
//draw object 2
dc.DrawText(wxT("Table 2"),xx2,yy2);
MyFrame::MyFrame(const wxString& title,
const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size)
: wxFrame((wxFrame *)NULL, -1, title, pos, size)
wxMenu *menuFile = new wxMenu;
menuFile->Append( ID_About, wxT("&About..." ));
menuFile->Append( ID_Quit, wxT("E&xit" ));
wxMenuBar *menuBar = new wxMenuBar;
menuBar->Append( menuFile, wxT("&File") );
SetMenuBar( menuBar );
SetStatusText( wxT("Proof of Concept drawing moving objects, just click one and drag & drop [flicker can be eliminated with buffering]") );
void MyFrame::OnQuit(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
void MyFrame::OnAbout(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
wxMessageBox(wxT("This is a Hello Direct Contex Application in wxWidgets"),
wxT("About Hello DC"), wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION, this);
//Change position of objects when mouse is dragged & refresh painting
void MyFrame::OnMotion(wxMouseEvent& event)
if (event.Dragging())
wxClientDC dc(this);
wxPen pen(*wxRED, 1); // red pen of width 1
int posx=event.GetPosition().x;
int posy=event.GetPosition().y;
if(pressed==1 &&( posx-xx>0 && xx+50>posx ) && (posy-yy>0 && yy+50>posy)){
}else if(pressed==1 &&( posx-xx2>0 && xx2+50>posx ) && (posy-yy2>0 && yy2+50>posy)){
}else if (pressed==3){
1. WxArt2D: is a graphical library for 2D, the drawing document can be made hierarchical by adding child primitives to a parent primitive, everything that is drawn from within a document, is done by calling drawing methods via a a2dCanvasView through it's device context a2dDrawer2D. A document can have several views open at the same time. And each view can display whatever part of the document. Source:
- It's a multi-document framework.
- Can draw complex objects in a easy way.
- Can exists several views of objects in hierarchy.
- Can save image to svg format.
- Allow to handled events in graphical objects.
- It's Highly optimized.
- Good community support.
- The only way to use it, is downloading directly from CVS.
- Configuration, Compilation and use can be difficult for begginners because cmake haven't a useful way of explain errors and their solutions (even the simplest).
- Adds a new level of complexity in a project when the learning curve of understanding of source code grows because use it.
- If a error related to the library is raised when you use an application (that happens to me with the examples) only have two options: fix by myself (I don't want to do it ) or ask for help (can take long time).
- I try a demo of electronic parts diagram and I catch a lot of problems and exceptions only testing, without really using it, this don't give me a good advice about stability.
- Very easy to use.
- Configuration and use is very simple.
- Used by pgAdmin right now, not new dependencies needed.
- Good Stability.
- Poor documented.
- Doesn't have support of a community.
- Development status dead.
- Don't give all control I want from my graphical objects.
- Library is not good for and architectural pattern like Model View Controller (MVC).
- Adds an extra overhead for simple graphics needed, forcing to create complex objects that some times are not needed.
- Use wxDC as their drawing method, not really a cons but an interesting afirmation.
- Have a lot of flavors: wxPaintDC for paint events, wxClientDC can be used outside paint events, wxBufferedDC for flickerless Drawing, Can paint into postscript files with wxPostScriptDC .
- Give all control to implement the design pattern that I want to use (MVC).
- It's very stable because their operations are very simple.
- Allow full control over the way stuff will be painted.
- Very simple to learn and use.
- It's integrated with the wxWidgets library not need aditional steps or configurations.
- Because their simplicity and integration with wx library, it's most probably don't have any issues when compiling source code in different plataforms
- Very well documented WxWidgets Book Chapter Sample
- It's not as powerful as WxArt2D or WxOGL.
- All drawing stuff are now responsability of programmer.
- A bad implementation of drawing maybe can finish with a buggy application.
- A functional application can take a little more time (not too much) to be completed that using WxOGL or WxArt2D.
My Choice until now it's: WxDC because their simplicity and the full control that give to programmer of doing almost all things needed for a graphical query builder only using graphics primitives (in a pattern like MVC).
I create a very little (and not optimized or good programmed, just functional) hello graphic world proof of concept for a diagram of tables, you can drag and drop tables (just simple squares with text) around application only:
#include "wx/wxprec.h"
#ifdef __BORLANDC__
#pragma hdrstop
#ifndef WX_PRECOMP
#include "wx/wx.h"
class MyApp: public wxApp
virtual bool OnInit();
class MyFrame: public wxFrame
MyFrame(const wxString& title,
const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size);
void OnQuit(wxCommandEvent& event);
void OnAbout(wxCommandEvent& event);
void MyFrame::OnPaint(wxPaintEvent& event);
void MyFrame::OnMotion(wxMouseEvent& event);
wxRect rectToDraw;
wxRect rectToDraw2;
int xx, xx2;
int yy, yy2;
int pressed;
bool MyApp::OnInit()
MyFrame *frame = new MyFrame( wxT("Hello World"),
wxPoint(50,50), wxSize(800,600) );
return TRUE;
ID_Quit = 1,
ID_About = 0,
EVT_MENU(ID_Quit, MyFrame::OnQuit)
EVT_MENU(ID_About, MyFrame::OnAbout)
void MyFrame::OnPaint(wxPaintEvent& event)
wxPaintDC dc(this);
wxRect tmp(wxPoint(xx, yy), wxSize(70,70));
rectToDraw = tmp;
wxRect tmp2(wxPoint(xx2, yy2), wxSize(70,70));
rectToDraw2 = tmp2;
//Do not draw if not exposed
if (IsExposed(rectToDraw)){
//draw object 1
dc.DrawText(wxT("Table 1"),xx,yy);
dc.DrawText(wxT("Col1"),xx,yy+12); //use font metrics here
//draw object 2
dc.DrawText(wxT("Table 2"),xx2,yy2);
MyFrame::MyFrame(const wxString& title,
const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size)
: wxFrame((wxFrame *)NULL, -1, title, pos, size)
wxMenu *menuFile = new wxMenu;
menuFile->Append( ID_About, wxT("&About..." ));
menuFile->Append( ID_Quit, wxT("E&xit" ));
wxMenuBar *menuBar = new wxMenuBar;
menuBar->Append( menuFile, wxT("&File") );
SetMenuBar( menuBar );
SetStatusText( wxT("Proof of Concept drawing moving objects, just click one and drag & drop [flicker can be eliminated with buffering]") );
void MyFrame::OnQuit(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
void MyFrame::OnAbout(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
wxMessageBox(wxT("This is a Hello Direct Contex Application in wxWidgets"),
wxT("About Hello DC"), wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION, this);
//Change position of objects when mouse is dragged & refresh painting
void MyFrame::OnMotion(wxMouseEvent& event)
if (event.Dragging())
wxClientDC dc(this);
wxPen pen(*wxRED, 1); // red pen of width 1
int posx=event.GetPosition().x;
int posy=event.GetPosition().y;
if(pressed==1 &&( posx-xx>0 && xx+50>posx ) && (posy-yy>0 && yy+50>posy)){
}else if(pressed==1 &&( posx-xx2>0 && xx2+50>posx ) && (posy-yy2>0 && yy2+50>posy)){
}else if (pressed==3){
miércoles, 30 de abril de 2008
Electricity Blackout
Yesterday an electricity blackout don't let me work, I go back to 1800 way of life for about nine hours (a little more), mainly because all my stuff that works with electricity don't works and the electronics that uses batteries were uncharged like my NDS or my laptop. I only learn one thing: Charge all my electronics things all days, never left without charges :(
More information can read here: Major blackout hits most regions in Venezuela
Note: Near reality but the time of blackout in my city was from 1:00 p.m. to about 10:30 p.m.
Update #1: On 01-05-2005 Another Blackout from 8:00 a.m to 4:00 p.m.
Update #2: On 04-05-2005 Again a Blackout from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
More information can read here: Major blackout hits most regions in Venezuela
Note: Near reality but the time of blackout in my city was from 1:00 p.m. to about 10:30 p.m.
Update #1: On 01-05-2005 Another Blackout from 8:00 a.m to 4:00 p.m.
Update #2: On 04-05-2005 Again a Blackout from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
lunes, 28 de abril de 2008
A week ago, I began to work on my proposal at GSoC 2008 ...
I have been a little busy, the first week after my proposal was accepted (, my mentor it's Dave Page ( he contact me yet and looks like a good person, very busy but with well define goals about the proposal.
About last week, I have done not so much things as I like it, but I should improve this week and to do a better performance.
The goals of the week #1 were:
0. Planning my development infrastructure with thing like blog, what wiki pages to build, etc.
1. Formatting my machine because some problems at my operative systems.
4. Planning to do fix a bug (a very easy bug not big ones) hunting on the project.
This was my self-imposed homework, but I can do it because all problems on my development enviroment configuration, and because the bug that dave send me, cannot be reproduced by me... :( I was needing a bug but I cannot find it... Well this requiere a new point of View, I'm going to study and document part of the internal function of pgAdmin to start to get deeper into the source code.
5. I assist to an installfest at my city.
Finally my original proposal for GSoC 2008 can be located at:
The name it's Graphical SQL Query Builder Improvement for pgAdmin III and if you check the google map you can see my house :)
About last week, I have done not so much things as I like it, but I should improve this week and to do a better performance.
The goals of the week #1 were:
0. Planning my development infrastructure with thing like blog, what wiki pages to build, etc.
1. Formatting my machine because some problems at my operative systems.
- Linux : I have 64 bits versions of ubuntu but was not stable as I want it, and because that I'm going to install 32 bits version (and try it if don't like I return to debian :) ).
- Win: I don't need to explain why I should format a machine with windows every certain time (1 year or less), because it's windows it just begin to do crazy things, and when this happen it's time to reinstall a fresh copy of it.
- Linux: As usual I don't have any big troubles, nothing out of common.
- Win: On this plataform :( my sad face said everything, I have installed windows vista 32 bits or probably it's should be rename to windows BUGista, I have a lot of problems, nothing works, windows said about patches that I must install, I try to install windows patches and then said me "we don't detect any application that need this patch". Well after a lot of research (because M$ is not clear in their problems with his patches), my operating system my s.o. reboot endless (a bug found about 4 months ago) but today they force you to install the update that causes that bug :( , then after install all patches, the patches solve problem partially. FINAL SOLUTION: create a need partition, install my old copy of windows XP, and then everything works fine after loosing almost 3 days trying to fix vista, which I strongly believe it's impossible. And after all this problem I read an article from M$ saying that they users wants Windows Vista.... I Want... but I Want to burn my copy of it... after a M$ refund... :)
4. Planning to do fix a bug (a very easy bug not big ones) hunting on the project.
This was my self-imposed homework, but I can do it because all problems on my development enviroment configuration, and because the bug that dave send me, cannot be reproduced by me... :( I was needing a bug but I cannot find it... Well this requiere a new point of View, I'm going to study and document part of the internal function of pgAdmin to start to get deeper into the source code.
5. I assist to an installfest at my city.
Finally my original proposal for GSoC 2008 can be located at:
The name it's Graphical SQL Query Builder Improvement for pgAdmin III and if you check the google map you can see my house :)
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